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2022 人民日报; 科技日报; 国防科技大学; CCTV-7国防军事频道;

2021 EurekAlert!; 科技日报; 中国青年报; 四川在线; 中国科技网; Eurekalert!; 科技工作者之家; 国家自然科学基金委; 国防科技大学; 腾讯网

2020 人民日报; 外交部; 新华社; 人民网; BBC; Karolinska Institute; 环球网; 中国日报; CGTN (中国国际电视台); 中国科学报; Science Daily; YaleNews New York Times; 解放军报; 湖南卫视; 科技日报; 国防科技大学新闻; 腾讯新闻、新浪、腾讯网

2019 NPR; Physicsworld; Scientific American; Yahoo News; Science Daily; Infection Control Today

2018 Apolitical

2017 India Today; Science Daily;; Huffington Post; Seeker; 中华人民共和国国防部; 解放军报

2016 UKCMC; Nature; NEWSECURITYBEAT; Ericsson and the Earth Institute at Columbia University; 中国日报; 经济日报; 国家自然科学基金委

2015 BBC;; The Scientist; Nepali Times; Tech Republic

2014; Santa Fe Institute; The Economist-1; USA Today; BBC; The Economist-2; Le Monde; MIT Technology Review

2013 Fast Company; MIT Technology Review

2012 长沙晚报; 湖南日报; 央广军事;; Karolinska Institutet; Science; World Economic Forum

2011 Forbes; New York Times; BBC; ABC News; NPR; Karolinska Institutet

(2022-11-27) 人民日报-创新青年齐聚 共话可持续发展 2022 NexTus可持续发展青年创新日成功举行

news from 人民日报

(2022-06-23) 科技日报-中国科技网 大规模计算实验揭示新冠疫情“动态清零”必要性

news from 科技日报

(2022-03-31) 国防科技大学新闻- 挑大梁、当主角,他们是教学、科研一线的中坚力量

news from 国防科技大学

(2022-03-12) CCTV-7国防军事频道- [国防军事早报]两会直通车 科技创新:生成和提高战斗力的加速器

news from CCTV-7国防军事频道

(2021-09-08) EurekAlert!- Super large-scale mobility data reveals China's population mobility pattern and urban agglomeration distribution

news from EurekAlert!

(2021-09-01) 科技日报- 人口流动大数据研究揭示我国新冠防疫政策持久有效

news from 科技日报

(2021-09-01) 中国青年报- 人口流动大数据研究揭示 我国新冠防疫政策持久有效

news from 中国青年报

(2021-08-31) 四川在线- 华西医院专家用移动大数据分析,我国的疫情防控政策到底多有效?

news from 四川在线

(2021-08-31) 中国科技网- 人口流动大数据揭示我国新冠防疫政策持久有效

news from 中国科技网

(2021-08-19) Eurekalert!- The crucial role of social media posts in tracking COVID-19 infection rates

news from Eurekalert!

(2021-08-18) 科技工作者之家- 吕欣/陈晓红等首次揭示2020 年中国人口流动情况

news from 科技工作者之家

(2020-08-12) 国家自然科学基金委- 我国学者与海外合作者在社会网络与应急通讯研究领域取得进展

news from 国家自然科学基金委

(2021-08-09) 国防科技大学- 科大力量,用大数据技术打一场系统科学的“疫情防控阻击战”

news from 国防科技大学

(2021-07-27) 腾讯网- 从小家到大家,看嵌入结构如何影响灾后家庭和社会网络动态演化机制

news from 腾讯网

(2020-05-10) 人民日报- 美国关于新冠肺炎疫情的涉华谎言与事实真相

news from 人民日报

(2020-05-09) 外交部- 美国关于新冠肺炎疫情的涉华谎言与事实真相

news from 外交部

(2020-05-09) 新华社- 美国关于新冠肺炎疫情的涉华谎言与事实真相

news from 新华社

(2020-02-17) 人民网- 抗疫战场上,大数据与病毒的殊死较量

news from 人民网

(2020-05-05) BBC - Chinese Mobile Data Predicts COVID19 Spread

news from BBC

(2020-05-03) Karolinska Institute- Top-publication list

news from Karolinska Institute

(2020-05-02) 环球网- 多国科研机构公布研究结果:中国没有操纵疫情数字

news from 环球网

(2020-05-02) 中国日报- 大数据为证!《自然》杂志:中国隔离措施有效遏制疫情 为他国树榜样

news from 中国日报

(2020-05-01) CGTN (中国国际电视台)- Researchers forecast COVID-19 spread in China from population flow

news from CGTN

(2020-04-30) 中国科学报 - “人口流动—风险源模型”助力疫情防控

news from 中国科学报

(2020-04-29) Science Daily - Study accurately tracks COVID-19 spread with big data

news from Science Daily

(2020-04-29) YaleNews - Researchers devise new model to track COVID-19’s spread

news from YaleNews

(2020-03-22) New York Times- How the Virus Got Out

news from New York Times

(2020-03-06) 解放军报 - 科技前沿——大数据技术织起安全网

news from 解放军报

(2020-02-24) 湖南卫视- 加快科技研发攻关——国防科大建立大数据模型 对可能的疫情区域预警

news from 湖南卫视

(2020-02-17) 科技日报- 抗疫战场上,大数据与病毒的殊死较量

news from 科技日报

(2020-01-30) 国防科技大学新闻- 疫情阻击战!国防科大应用大数据助力疫情防治

news from 国防科技大学新闻

(2020-01-24) 腾讯新闻、新浪、腾讯网等- 四川大学联合电子科大、国防科大搭建新型冠状病毒大数据交叉学科研究平台

news from 腾讯新闻、新浪、腾讯网

(2019-03-28) NPR - CHART: Where Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes Will Go In The Future

news from NPR

(2019-03-15) Physicsworld - Climate change could allow disease-carrying mosquitoes to spread across Western Europe

news from Physicsworld

(2019-03-07) Scientific American - Mosquito-Borne Disease Could Threaten Half the Globe by 2050

news from Physicsworld

(2019-03-06) Yahoo News - Climate change to expose half of world’s population to disease-spreading mosquitoes by 2050, study finds

news from Yahoo-News

(2019-03-04) Science Daily - Forecasting mosquitoes' global spread: An international team gauges the coming threat of mosquito-borne diseases

news from Science-Daily

(2019-03-05) Infection Control Today - Forecasting Mosquitoes' Global Spread

news from Infection-Control-Today

(2018-08-28) Apolitical - Mobile phone data could help speed up crucial aid to disaster victims

news from Apolitical

(2017-02-09) India Today (印度日报) - Mobile phones can create high-resolution poverty map

news from India-Today

(2017-02-07) Science Daily - Mobile phone and satellite data to map poverty

news from Science Daily

(2017-02-07) (世界科技研究新闻资讯网) - Mobile phone and satellite data to map poverty

news from

(2017-02-02) Huffington Post (赫芬顿邮报) - Citizens, the Private Sector and SDG implementation: Scale success and scrap the rest

news from Huffington Post

(2017-02-01) Seeker - Poverty Mapped in Near Real-Time Using Mobile Phone and Satellite Data

news from Seeker

(2017-01-11) 中华人民共和国国防部 - 国防大数据:守护国家安全的智慧芯

news from 中华人民共和国国防部

(2017-01-11) 解放军报 - 国防大数据:守护国家安全的智慧芯

news from 解放军报

(2016-12-11) UKCMC - Mobile network data provide new insights on climate change and migration

news from UKCMC

(2016-10-12) Nature - Volunteering: Pro bono science

news from Nature

(2016-08-18) NEWSECURITYBEAT (Wilson Center) - Mobile Phone Data Helps Identify Displaced People Faster, Cheaper, More Accurately

news from NEWSECURITYBEAT (Wilson Center)

(2016-05-12) Ericsson and the Earth Institute at Columbia University - How Information and Communications Technology can Accelerate Action on the Sustainable Development Goals

news from Ericsson and the Earth Institute at Columbia University

(2016-04-23) 中国日报 - 让大数据服务国防

news from 中国日报

(2016-04-23) 经济日报 - 让大数据服务国防——记国防科大信息系统与管理学院讲师吕欣

news from 经济日报

(2016-02-18) 国家自然科学基金委 - 国家自然科学基金项目成果巡礼:大数据分析揭示自然灾害发生后的人群行为规律

news from 国家自然科学基金委

(2015-12-08) BBC - How mobile tech is improving global disaster relief

news from BBC

(2015-11-10) (世界科技研究新闻资讯网) - Mobile phone data helps ongoing quake relief effort in Nepal

news from

(2015-07-01) The Scientist- Outbreak Observatory: Increasingly precise remote-sensing data are helping researchers monitor and predict cases of infectious disease

news from The Scientist

(2015-06-07) Nepali Times (尼泊尔时报) – Where are we? Ncell partners with Flowminder to track movement of Nepalis post-earthquake

news from Nepali Times

(2015-03-23) Tech Republic - Fighting Ebola with a holistic vision of big data

news from Tech Republic

(2014-10-31) (世界科技研究新闻资讯网) - How people respond to a catastrophe on social media

news from

(2014-10-30) Santa Fe Institute (圣塔菲研究所) - Social seismic waves: Studying how people respond in a catastrophe … Twitter style

news from Santa Fe Institute

(2014-10-27) The Economist (经济学人) – Ebola and big data: Waiting on hold

news from The Economist

(2014-10-24) USA Today - How cellphones can predict where Ebola strikes next

news from USA Today

(2014-10-15) BBC - Ebola: Can big data analytics help contain its spread?

news from BBC

(2014-10-14) The Economist (经济学人) –The Ebola crisis: Much worse to come

news from The Economist

(2014-08-28) Le Monde (法国世界报) – Follow mobile phones to predict the spread of the Ebola virus

news from Le Monde

(2014-08-22) MIT Technology Review - Cell-Phone Data Might Help Predict Ebola’s Spread

news from MITTechnologyReview

(2013-05-04) 《Fast Company》- Mobile Phone Data Proves Humans Are Predictable During Chaos

news from 《Fast Company》

(2013-04-23) MIT Technology Review - 10 Breakthrough Technologies: Big Data from Cheap Phones

news from MITTechnologyReview

(2012-10-24) 长沙晚报 - 大规模手机数据破解出大地震幸存者逃离方向

news from 长沙晚报

(2012-10-18) 湖南日报 - 国防科大博士生研究发现灾后人群移动具有高度可预测性

news from 湖南日报

(2012-10-16) 央广军事 - 国防科大博士生发现灾后人群移动行为规律

news from 央广军事

(2012-06-19) (世界科技研究新闻资讯网) – Population displacement during disasters predicted using mobile data

news from

(2012-06-19) Karolinska Institutet – Population displacement during disasters predicted using mobile data

news from Karolinska Institutet

(2012-06-18) Science – Where Do People Flee When Disaster Strikes?

news from Science

(2012-01-22) World Economic Forum (世界经济论坛) - Big Data, Big Impact: New Possibilities for International Development

news from World Economic Forum

(2011-09-20) Forbes (财富/福布斯 杂志)- Data Philanthropy is Good for Business

news from Forbes

(2011-09-07) New York Times - Cellphone Tracking Helps Groups Set Up More Effective Aid Distribution

news from New York Times

(2011-09-03) BBC – Mobile phones help to target disaster aid, says study

news from BBC

(2011-09-01) ABC News – Health Headlines: Saving Lives With Cell Phones

news from ABC News

(2011-08-31) NPR (美国国家公共电台) - Cellphones Could Help Doctors Stay Ahead of An Epidemic

news from NPR

(2011-08-31) Karolinska Institutet - Mobile phone data in Haiti improves emergency aid

news from Karolinska Institutet

© 2014-2022 Responsible for this page: Xin Lu
Updated: January 5, 2022